If the organs are in the display base, fit them into the human torso in the correct positions like a jigsaw.
Discuss the organs & positions and the chambers in the heart.
If the organs are in the torso then read the information on the display base and put them in their right places.
Pass the hand-piece over the picture and listen to the to messages that tell you what each part of the digestive system does.
Pull the knobs to flex the fingers - watch how they bend towards the wrist. The tendons (fishing line) are joined in this hand in the same way as in a real hand. Note how the third finger curls with the little finger.
Select a sample and examine it closely, using a magnifying glass. Follow the descriptions to find the names of each of the samples. Discuss what they have in common and how they differ. Place into the key using the descriptions.
Move the leaves on the sunflower to catch light from a window and see how this changes the amount of energy the plant is producing.
Try covering the leaves with the filters or with your hand.
Discuss how plants adapt their leaves to their habitat to make enough energy eg. taller plants in forests.
Try on the goggles that mimic how different animals see. Discuss why these animals see in the way they do (fly, mole, horse, chameleon).
Look carefully at the fossils and try to identify them. Some are easier than others because they are whole or nearly whole creatures. Note the only plant is the fern. The sea lily is an animal, despite its name and appearance. Discuss how plants rarely fossilize because they are mostly soft tissue that decomposes more quickly than animals.
Stand on the board with your feet either side of the centre. Try to balance on the board without holding onto anything. When you are ready press the button to set the timer and see how long you can balance. The time will be shown on the display.
See how some people find it easier than others but there are things we can do to change our ability. Try feet apart, feet together, one foot at right angles to the other, closed eyes or arms out.
Hold the phone to your ear and trace the hand-piece over the picture and listen to the sounds that you can hear. Pair the animals with their habitats.
Place your hand inside a sleeve and carefully feel the model body parts inside!
Prime the machine by pressing one of the green start buttons. After a certain amount of time the light (right) or buzzer (left) will be set off. Press the red stop button immediately. The timer records the speed of your reaction - from signal to response.
See how senses vary from one person to another and whether you can improve with practice.
Displays microscope images on screen.
Look at the samples provided under the microscope. You can also look at hair, your fingers and other objects. The microscope will reveal differences in surface that are not normally noticed (magnification approx. x25). Observe carefully. What new things do you notice?