Teachers tell us time & time again that whatever the children experience during their visit, is remembered and used long after the day has past.
If you have booked a Telescope Tour / Science Show / Workshop Activity, you will be timetabled to the exhibit areas inbetween the activities / lunch / shop.
Access to the exhibits is included in your admission cost.
The main ground floor corridor of The Centre is home to approx. 90 educationally designed hands-on interactive exhibits which can be enjoyed at a variety of levels and no prior scientific knowledge is required.
During your visit you 'free-flow' through the corridor so you can vary the amount of time you spend in any particular exhibition area.
Time interacting with the exhibits will motivate pupils and stimulate their interest by offering first hand experiences (through seeing, hearing and feeling what happens) of ideas & principles that help science make sense!
Some of the areas have permanent themed exhibitions of Light & Colour, Astronomy, Forces and Earth & Beyond.
Additional spaces are changed through the year and feature Science Projects travelling exhibitions. The themes may be Senses, Puzzles & Illusions, Medieval Machines, Good Vibrations, Shocking Electricity, The Arts of Art or Ancient Wisdom.
Each exhibit has an explainer which informs the user, not only of how to use the exhibit, but of what is happening and why. The exhibits reinforce previous knowledge and support work back in the classroom. Many pupils will ‘play' with the exhibits and not even realise that they are learning at the same time. Others will suddenly understand a previously learnt scientific principle when they experience an exhibit in action.
The Discovery Park features giant interactive exhibits exploring forces, movement, genetics and sound in a way that is not only ‘hands-on' but often ‘feet-on' too, whilst the Water Planet areas delve into our fascinating world of water. Many of these exciting exhibits require more than one person to operate them which encourages group participation and team work.
Some pupils look upon these areas as a playground in which to have fun, not even realising that they are learning at the same time!
During your daytime visit groups will be timetabled approx 30 minutes to the Discovery Park and Water Areas: subject to your arrival / departure times and other booked activities.
Each exhibit has an explainer alongside with information of not only of how to use the exhibit, but of what is happening and why. Just watch the older pupils with these amazing exhibits - don't ever believe a teenager that says they are too old to play!
The exhibits are on all weather surfaces, but as an outdoor facility they may not be useable in all weathers, especially as they are accessed across grass.
The water exhibits are drained and switched off in the winter months.
All pupils require close supervision in the outdoor areas and younger children may need adult assistance with some of the exhibits. Appropriate clothing / footwear should be worn.